Friday, August 31, 2007

8/30/07 - The Day of Bad News....

Well today seemed to be the day of bad news…..

  1. Brigette’s great uncle died
  2. My aunt had surgery to remove a bunch of lumps on her breast (I found out about the surgery after it began
  3. My friend told me that his gpa is going to die in a few days
  4. my other friend told me that they were going to have to delay the birth of her baby for almost a week longer because her little lungs weren’t developed enough
  5. My other friend said that her mom just found out that she has MS

Some days are just like that. We have no option but to fall back into the arms of God. We all have nice little lives built around us. But what do we do when that all comes crashing down? What then?

What choice do we have but to rely and trust on someone and something outside ourselves? Otherwise we hit rock bottom and have no reason to live.

This just makes sense because my purpose in life is to bring glory and honor to God almighty. I know that even if my little kingdom crashes, I can still fulfill my function in life. I can still do what I was programmed to do. My main purpose is not to provide for Brigette or to get more stuff, or to gain power and friendship. All those things can be taken away from me. Therefore, none of those can be the foundation for the purpose or happiness in and of my life. If my joy rests on whether or not I have a wife, then my life becomes meaningless the moment a drunk driver kills her. Instead, if my purpose and joy come from outside myself, namely Christ, then even if my little kingdom burns to the ground, I can sit, like Job, in the ashes of the world I knew and worship God.

Well… I guess that’s it for today. I know I make everything deep, but its late and I’m feeling deep tonight so… such is life.

May God richly bless us and open our minds to explore more deeply the depths of his surpassing greatness. And though a fruitful lifetime devoted to Ludus would not reveal to us even a drop in the bucket of God’s humbling awesomeness, may we, through our feeble thoughts, bring glory and honor to the name above all names, Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Matt said...

You're absolutely right. The thing that too many Christians forget is that the "security" that we think we have at the moment is merely a delusion. There is no security here. This life is nothing but risk. The question is WHEN (not if) everything comes crashing down, did you risk your life for something worthy? Did you risk your life for yourself, because that will end very badly. Or did you risk your life, comfort, family, friendships, being thought well of, money, for the One who can restore it all back and more?