Wednesday, August 29, 2007

8-29-07 I Love Being An Adult

Its so nice being an adult and doing whatever I want. This morning, I had chocolate chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. Yes, I know that doing this on a regular basis is a bad idea and that it will make you fat. But its nice every once in a while…

And, I know Bwige will freak out when she reads this, but I have no problem doing similar fun things with our kids (when they get here in a VERY VERY long time). Wake up, eat cookies, drink chocolate milk, have some cake (by the way, cake is healthy, it has eggs and flour and other healthy things). What a fun morning! Now, don’t freak out, I’m not going to produce walking blob-children. This is something we would do only like once a semester. But what a fun thing to do! (I know most of you are rolling your eyes, but I don’t care)

Well…anyways… I have some bad news and some good news… the bad news is that Bwige was beginning to be bitten by the baby bug… she was starting to feel that primordial urge to have kids…. Arg… I knew the day would come but I had hoped that it would be farther away. Oh well..

However, the good news is really good! At Bwige’s elementary school, she is in the 5th and 6th grade hall (because only 5th and 6th graders can take strings). And God, in his wisdom, knowing that it was good for us to wait to have kids, had the school put a class of Pre-K kids right next to hers. Pre-K’ers = Baby Bug Repellant!! YAH!! Hallelujah! The first 30 minutes of every day is spent listening to them scream like little banshees because their mommy isn’t there. The rest of the day is spent screaming just because they are testing out their little lungs.

Bwige is now baby bug bite freeeeeee! YAHHH!!!

Have I yet expressed my excitement?

Don’t worry mama, we will have kids eventually… it will (God willing) be a while… and since I’m in seminary and we have a room with a red phone that goes straight to God… my prayers are first in line so all your prayers for Bwige to be pregnant and give you more grand-babies are being voided. Sorry.

OK, that’s it, I must go back to cleaning the house. Have a fabulous day all!


Unknown said...

wait as long as you want to have kids........ that will spread out the joy for me for years and years and years and years to come.

and perfect daughter in law - pop over to the PreK room every once in a while and teach them a song, so they will fall in love with you early on and will join strings in a few years!! Start the 'programing' early.......

you want to play strings.........
you want to play strings.........
you want to play strings.........
you want to play strings.........

so you will ALWAYS have a job there.......

Unknown said...

and stephen - WHO taught you that it was ok to have chocolate for breakfast?!?!?!?!?!?

just don't tell Ding, caz in December Drew might have a new breakfast routine

spartacus976 said...

so is that saying that you taught me?

Matt said...

Wow, you seem a little too excited about not having kids. This should be a thread on Ludus.

Matt said...

Oh and I agree about being a grownup. I get to wear big-boy underpants now ;-) oh! and I get to play "army man" too!

spartacus976 said...

matt you are a blast!! i'm glad I am blessed to have you as a friend!

Sara said...
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Sara said...

Yeah, I'm with Matt - you seem a bit too excited about not having kids...

Just for the record, coming from someone who knows, having children is an amazingly fulfulling experience. When they look up at you with those big innocent eyes, trusting that everything you say and do is right, it's like you know this is what you were meant to be.

We're going to forget for the moment that that precious child is the reason I'm awake before 8am on a Saturday. And that it's been the week from you-know-where because of teething woes. But one look into those big blue eyes, one hug that gets drool (or drewl, you pick) all over my shirt and I'm lost all over again.

Just food for thought this morning. You probably won't read this until 10 or 11 am when you finally get up: But I'm not bitter. Really I'm not.


Jennifer Nedbalek said...

Haha, you're funny. But no, I'm not rolling my eyes. I'm with you. It's fun to indulge (sometimes).

As for the baby thing, believe me, it's true. And for those others who commented about you being too excited, apparently they don't take care of kids all day.

Plan your strategy very VERY carefully beforehand, and everything will be easier in the end.

And yes, I saw this as being a single adult with no children. But remember, everyday, I have 15 of them. So trust me, I know :)