Monday, November 5, 2007


OK… in the spirit of Swing giving her confessions… I guess I should reveal my deepest darkest secrets also… so here goes…

  1. I am an email freak. No really… I probably check my email between 75 and 100 times a day. Yes, this may be because I am waiting for my next photography order to come in, but its also because I so enjoy getting a message from someone. Every time a new message pops up in my inbox… it just gives me a small bit of joy. Maybe woven in there also is a sense that someone cares about me and wants to talk to me… but that’s neither here nor there.
  2. when it comes to food… I’m a bit strange. My favorite foods are on the ends of the temperature spectrum. A cooked piece of whatever, is ok.. but it could be better. For example, I LOVE frozen vegetables. Man… a bag of frozen snow peas or frozen corn…. YUM!!! I will eat just about anything frozen (obviously, it needs to be small things that can be broken easily… you cant eat frozen steak or pieces of broccoli because they are too thick). On the other end, I love it when things are REALLY well done. I love to cook a pan of corn till the corn is extra dry and crispy – almost burned. That way, it really jumps in your mouth and crunches in your teeth. Same thing with ground meat – if its real dark brown and extra crunchy – PERFECT. And there are few things closer to heaven than boudain, taken out of the wrapper, and cooked well done. Oh wow… so tasty..
  3. like swing.. I think I have friendship issues. I don’t have any REALLY close friends (outside my wife). Now, I do have good friends, Valerie and Andrew, Estevan, but they are just friends. (I must be careful to not offend anyone here.) I think at the core of what I am saying is…. is that I don’t have anyone that I can really just hang out with on a regular basis. We have few people who we can just see each other all the time because we click so well and just really enjoy each other’s presence. We really enjoy time with Valerie and Andrew, but they live 45 minutes away and so we don’t get to see them much. It’s a similar situation with most people from church, they are just SO far away…
    Swing said once to me that really deep friendships wont happen much after college because you just cant spend that much time together (swing, maybe you can clarify that better). I refuse to accept that. I deeply believe that we are desperately in need is true relationships. So many people spend so much time looking on facebook, and texting, and im’ing, and playing World of Warcraft. Too many people have their deepest friendships online. That just isn’t good enough. You just cant get the depth of communication and friendship online as you can in person… I crave that type of relationship… its just so hard to find it (and even harder when you consider the time it takes to develop it)
  4. that’s about it… umm… oh.. this is something I have never told anyone… so don’t spread it around….
    I am madly in love with my incurably hot wife!!! *growls* She’s hot stuff!!
  5. lastly… I think my definition of who is going to heaven is narrowing. The more I read scripture, the more I see that Christianity is not about church or rules. Its about being madly in love with Jesus Christ, our only savior and only way to heaven. I am beginning to believe that if your life is not producing fruit, that your lack of results just gives evidence that you have missed the point and don’t really get it. This is as far from legalism as it can get, but if you are not doing a mad dash towards God BECAUSE of his mind boggling love for us, then maybe you really don’t understand Christ at all. (again, this is not legalism, it’s your inability to live your life the same after Christ did so much for you, its you wanting to radically alter your lifestyle to mirror Christ BECAUSE of what he did.)
    Now, I know that most of you will probably disagree with this… but the more I read scripture, the more I see it to be true. That’s not a clear explanation, but its just something I wanted to share.
    One thing I want to do over thanksgiving is to put this down in a cogent written form so that my thoughts are clear and well spoken. At that point, I will post it and deeply desire all of your thoughts on it. I know I’m wrong in places and I look forward to ferreting out those errors.

OK, I need to go. I love you guys.. *sniff* maybe some of you will email me and make me feel loved… J by the way, don’t email Spartacus at hotmail because I’m locked out of that… *cough* Stephen at kellingphotography dot com *cough email me cough*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

in the first place..... HOW did you get locked out of spart@hotmail again?!?!? WRITE down your passwords - like anyone WANTS to get in there?!?!?!?


never mind - I'm emailing you & your sister