Thursday, May 17, 2007


My Life:

Umm, today I went to class in the morning. In the afternoon I stayed home and finished a photography project even thought I was supposed to be in class (I miss-predicted the time the project would take). Now I’m eating leftovers for dinner.

(OK.. if that’s all blogs are… I have no idea how they got popular, that was really boring)
Now for the interesting stuff –>

My Thoughts:

My thoughts today turn towards American Christianity in contrast with the Christianity of the rest of the world. As I see it, those who call themselves believers in the US are mostly made of pew-warmers who go to church on Sunday to get their ‘religion’ in. (If you disagree with me, well, you can just be wrong, but that’s a whole other post =) ). Anyways, when I see the struggles of Christians in other nations and the struggles I and others like me face, well… it is disheartening.

Today, 500 Pakistani Christians will live with the knowledge that at any moment militants could burst through the door with guns slaughter them and their families… and I consider myself a radical Christian because I carry my Bible around with me.

A few weeks ago, a woman who had volunteered her life to giving medical care to the poor in Turkey. A religious fanatic walked into the clinic and killed her in cold blood… and I consider myself on fire for God because I gave a guy on the street corner a bag of food and last month I gave out sandwiches to some homeless guys.

I struggle every day to live out my faith. I struggle to wake up in the mornings and spend more than 15 minutes in fellowship with my creator. I know that I must seriously study God’s message… but I don’t. Why? I don't know.

So what can I do? Maybe keep in front of me the life other Christians are living. My problems are nothing but ping-pong balls compared to the RPG’s hurling towards my Christian brothers and sisters. Yet I cower in fear at the welt the ping-pong ball will leave – if the slight discoloration could truly be called a welt. Can I even call myself a Christian when I can not even take 30 minutes a day to fellowship with Christ?

Now I know what you are thinking. All one must do to be a Christian is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart and you will be saved. Really? Those are the words of Romans 10:9 says, but what does scripture say in the bigger context?

Well… there is much more to be said on this subject, many pages worth. But my thoughts are not yet solidified and I haven’t yet done all the research so you’ll just have to wait.

Just to wet your appitite here are some of the verses I am pondering…

Ps 63:1, Isaiah 58:2-14,James 2:14-26, 1 John 3:17-18, Matt 18:23-35…

1 comment:

Jennifer Nedbalek said...

One, blogs are popular because, no matter how "boring" they may, they give those of us who have nothing better to do than read them the satisfaction of knowing that we aren't the only ones that have nothing to do.

With that said, I agree. That's about all I'm going to say because one, I do agree, and two, I don't remember exactly all of what was said since I have a new window now : ).