Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Adventures in Gingerland

So Bwige and I made a gingerbread house tonight!! It was not only great fun, it was an even bigger disaster!

They say that its easy. Dont believe them. It's a lie. Building a ginger bread house is hard... you need lots of very specialized tools - which they didn't include!!

This is a picture of the box shows that it SHOULD look like.

This is what ours actually looked like.



Do you see a difference?!?! Compare their roof with our roof.

The front of their house - and ours.

Their trees - and ours.

I'm so sorry Philip. Please forgive our architectural blasphemy.

Hopefully... very very hopefully, it's the thought that counts.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Are those bite marks on the peak of the roof? Dood, it doesn't help matters when you eat it WHILE you're building it!