Friday, October 31, 2008

The Best Political Video!!!

OK, so this is the best political video EVER!!!

Swing & Kat will enjoy it most.


Sara said...

Freaking Awesome!! I'm gonna steal that for my blog :)

Matt said...

HAHA!!! That's hilarious!! That's awesome... I think even my dad would appreciate that (even though he doesn't know much about WoW). Interestingly, that wasn't very far off from the actual election results. I suppose WoW must be a fairly homogeneous sampling of the United States. Well... ever so slightly more Democrat.

Oh well, just be sure to get your handguns now, if you're going to. Obama has said that he wants to ban all pistols. I doubt he'll be successful, but with a Dem House and Senate he'll get some kind of gun control passed. Just take advantage of the fact that you don't have to register handguns in Texas... yet. Also beware that retailers have to keep a record of who buys what. Gunshows don't, and many non-chain stores have unwritten policies protecting the confidentiality of your purchases.

I'll be buying a few extra, if I can.

Check out my thought on Kat's blog and lemme know what you think.