Monday, September 8, 2008


What the freaking stinking flipping heck is the government thinking? Why did the government take over Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac? Why? Now like 90% of the mortgage industry is done by the GOVERNMENT! This is called socialism.

and its great, cuz I GET TO PAY FOR IT!!! Now, all the people who took loans they shouldn't have get bailed out by ME. Yarrr.....

Just wow. Someone needs to be fired.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I agree. It's bad enough that the gov'nt bought them, but what's worse is that they didn't have the $800 bill in the first place. You know where it came from? China. You know who's looking at buying the failing companies now that the gov'nt has done it's part? China. You know who's grinning at our demise? Karl Marx.

And Washington is spinning in his grave.

Let's hope that American capitalism is more resilient than we think.