Monday, March 3, 2008

WOO HOO!! Hebrew was canceled today!!! And it couldn't have been a better day either. I had my alarm set to wake up at 5am to get my homework done but at 5am decided that it wasn't worth it (I get to drop 2 homeworks). Then I get a message that class has been canceled! WOOO HOOO!! fabulous! That ends up being really good cuz I can get a bit caught up today (which I need because I am way behind) And the great part it, it earns me more than just the 3 hours that I dont have to be in Hebrew, it earns me an additional 2 hours because I don't have to take a nap afterwards to get my brain unmushy and recover from class. YAH!!

well, back to work!


Helen said...

Hehe, congratz! Yay for getting time to catch up!

Matt said...
