Friday, March 14, 2008

One of the Weirder Dreams I've Ever Had

So I just had one of the weirder dreams of my life….

So David and I were driving along in some sort of motor home. I was controlling the acceleration from the very tiny bathroom in the back and David was sitting on the ledge above me steering.

As we were driving through an empty field, we saw a moose running off about 50 yards away. So, logically, we decided to make the moose chase us. So we steer off to the right and entice the moose, who gets angry and pursues us. Well…. things don’t go as planned. We thought we could go faster than the moose, but even when I crank it up to 70MPH, the moose is still gaining on us. So I reach out and grab the moose by the horns and twist its head so that it falls over. Moose: 0 Bathroom-Controlled-Motor-Home: 1.

So next thing I know we are in some sort of dirt bike race. So we race along the dirt road we’ve been driving on w/ a field of corn on one side of us and that empty field on the other. Well, our Bathroom-Controlled-Motor-Home is much faster than any dirt bike so we taunt the other racers for a bit and then zoom on to the finish. We finish SO FAST, in fact, that after crossing the line, we decide to go back and taunt the other racers. So after I drive backwards for a bit. Finding the other racers, and seeing as we won way too easy the first time, I hop out of my previous ride, and pull the moose out of the ground so I can race on him!! (well, first I have to inflate him because my previous encounter had deflated him). So to get him to go, I pull the lever on his tail and then hop on. As he inflates, he starts running quite quickly and I catch up to the guys in front in no time. I even have time to pull the tail-lever a bit more before we finish and I finish the race in 2nd (or 1st a second time).

As I finish, the credits start rolling across the screen. And whose name should be on the top of the list in glittering flashiness? Mitt Romney!!! Duh! And here he comes, across the finish line. I walk up to him jovially and say that I’ve never seen anyone use such blatant advertising in politics. He just smiles back at me and says ‘Well,’ as if to say, ‘those are my methods, take them or leave them’. And to top it all off, as he is saying that, the corn all around him starts bowing to him…


What a dream!


Katanna said...

And our parents said nothing good could come from us playing Mario Kart!


Unknown said...

I think it is the influence of your cousins..... :>) :>)

Helen said...

Wow, that's pretty trippy. You should lay off the pizza before bedtime.

Matt said...

Hmmm, Mitt Romney and the Technicolor Dream-Mobile Home...