Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So I was reading through Exodus

So I have been reading through exodus and have been amazed at what I’m seeing. God sends the 10 plagues against Egypt and all the Israelites leave Egypt. God leads them by sending a big tornado-like pillar of clouds in front of them by day and a big pillar of fire in front of them by night. Yes, when they get hungry, they whine to Moses and ask him how they are going to eat. ‘Do you want us to die?’ they ask him. WHAT?!! Didn’t you just see God work miracles? IS your memory that short? Unfortunately yes. So God provides food for 1,000,000 people through the desert.

So then they walk around for a while longer and they camp in against the sea. Pharaoh comes after them. As pharaoh is coming, they ask Moses, ‘Did you bring us out here just to die? We would have been better in Egypt.’ WHAT!!?!?! HUH?!?! God not only sent the 10 plagues, but has been providing enough food for 1,000,000 people PER DAY FOR MONTHS NOW!!! And yet you still don’t think he’s powerful enough to save you from a little army?!? Are you blind, stupid, or both? (probably both) Well, God makes the sea open up and they walk through ON DRY LAND! Pharaoh and his troops die.

Did you notice that not once have the Israelites done ANYTHING?!! They escaped from Egypt, the most powerful nation on earth without lifting a finger, God did it all. Not one Israelite died. They got food for 1,000,000 people per day… they don’t do anything!!! They just gather it! Pharaoh and his army comes and the most powerful army on earth is totally wiped out… completely… every last one of them… and not a single Israelite lifted a finger. Yah…

So now the Israelites will trust God completely right!! YOU WISH!!

God tells them all the 10 commandments. Then, Moses goes back up the mountain for God to tell him more stuff. After a while, they get ancy and make a golden calf and call it God. ARE YOU STUPID?!!!? DIDN’T MOSES JUST TELL YOU THAT COMMANDMENT #2 WAS NO IDOLS!?!?! What were you thinking!?! Really?

And I’m amazed at how slow they are to learn. They just don’t get it. And I think…. Hmm… you guys are just a few crayons short of a box aren’t you. But then I think… ya know.. I’m not to quick to fix stuff either. I struggle every day to do my quite time. I struggle to pray like I should, to share the gospel like I should, to memorize scripture like I should. I know what I SHOULD do… but that’s not always what happens. I guess it reminds me that I’m not the only one. And it reminds me that God is patient. He loves me and wants me to do better and will continue to encourage me to do better sometimes, and other times kick me in the butt to get me in gear…

What do you think?


Unknown said...

did ya play the soundtrack from the "10 Commandments" while you were reading it?!?!?

tree hee

Matt said...

I think that's the whole point of us being here on earth. So that we can be sanctified. Yup, it's tough, but it's tougher for God because He's got to APPLY that sanctification to us... He got such a raw deal...