Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Facing the Giants & A Faith Showing Angel

OK... so if you have seen the movie... and if you liked it.. you should probably skip reading this.

Umm... facing the giants... a movie made by a church in Atlanta. For a church making a movie, they did a pretty good job. However....

in the end, it followed every other Christian movie I have ever seen. It stunk. The acting was bad. The visual quality wasn't great. The script was TERRIBLE (yes... even worse than the new Star Wars). And it was just full of CHEESE!! It was all corny lines about how we should trust in Jesus and he will help us.

So in the end, I have 2 lines of thought.

First, I am conflicted about this type of movie. I think the message was pretty good. Trust in God, seek Him first, and let him take care of the rest. And I don't think the movie presented any health and wealth of worship God and he will make you rich and win football games (although they did win the game against all odds). Its just that the way they present it is so corny. Its like.. I know that stuff is true in real life, but when I see it on a movie screen, it just sounds so packaged and fake. I cant figure this out. Where does it break down? The message is true. I have experienced similar things in my life. I just need to trust God more. Sometimes he allows us to go through hard times to test and grow us. Sometimes he allows bad things to happen to us to bring himself more glory. But when those true things get translated to the big screen, it just comes across as fake. It comes off as 'religion'. It comes off as... well as ridiculous. I laughed through most of the movie. It was just so... well ridiculous. So where does it break down? I really don't know. What do you think on this one?

Second, the quality of 'christian' movies has always been sub-par. I've never seen a Christian movie that wasn't cheesy. I've never seen a Christian movie that was like, 'wow.. that was really done with excellence'. Its always a cheaply done. The actors are so-so to lousy, the music is like the end of every Full House episode, and the story line is so predictable its disgusting. Shouldn't Christians be producing the best stuff in the industry? Shouldn't we be the best in our fields whatever that may be? Why?

You know who does an excellent job in this category? Dan Cathy. He is the guy that runs Chic-Fil-A. He does not run a christian business. He simply runs his business by biblical standards. The difference is that he is not using his food to shove Jesus down everyone throats. Instead, the way he runs his business makes people want to eat there. People know what he stands for. They are closed on Sunday - people know. He does his job with excellence. I have never been in a dirty Chic-fil-a. Thats the only fast food joint i can say that about. I have never been treated badly by an employee. I have never seen an employee who wasn't eager to serve me and help me. Every time you tell them thanks, they respond with 'my pleasure'. Its not a Christian business. Its a business that is attractive because it is done with excellence. And his words and actions follow his philosophy. He shares the gospel with the employees and guests the night before a store opens. He serves as a sunday school teacher - I know, I sat and talked with him. He told me how he struggles to take care of his guys. The man is living his life with excellence. And people are attracted to Christ.

Then you have christian movies. They are cheesy and make you laugh instead of inspiring you. I was more inspired by Remember the Titans, than I was by facing the giants. I read the 'Left Behind' series and I like the idea behind it, but the writing is elementary and not great. I revieve ads for a Christian bookstore and see a description of a tube of 'HeavenScent Shea Butter Hand Cream. "Not only will this gift leave her skin feeling smooth and silky, it is also a great way to share your hope and faith in Christ." Are you serious? That's the best you can do at sharing the gospel? Really? I'm thinking that when Jesus said to go out into the world and preach the good news... he wasn't talking about hand lotion. Seriously.

But that's not nearly as good as the description of a Willow Tree angel... "Not only will it add style to any home, it also says a lot about someone's faith and trust in God." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? My faith is not shown by my loving the poor. My faith is not shown by telling people about Jesus with my words. My faith is not evidenced by my giving of my time in front of the idiot-box to study the very words of the Creator of the universe. My faith is shown by buying a wooden angel. THAT'S THE FAITH I WANT!!

And I know I'm being sarcastic here, but I just think that our culture is really into being religious. They are really into looking spiritual. But that's worthless. We need to be IN CHRIST. We need to be DOING the things Christ called us to do as a result of spending so much time with him and being so in love with him that we can do nothing BUT tell everyone we know about him and giving our money away because we value HIM and HEAVEN more than getting more worthless stuff...

I just dont see the christian community living up to what Christ called us to be. I don't see me living up to what Christ wants for me. That's what this summer is about for me. trying to figure out what my life should look like.... that's why I will be posting some of my daily thoughts. I hope you come along for the ride...

*and star wipe.... and cut*

1 comment:

Matt said...

HAHAH!! That last line was great...

I agree. That's why Jacob and I want to make movies. The difference between "cheesy" and "inspiring" is reality. Things feel cheesy because they present a very simplistic view of reality that glosses over the really hard questions. What happens when God's chosen hero turns into a selfish, stupid, vengeful brute (Samson)? What happens when God's pre-incarnation of Christ has a man killed so that he can marry his wife (David)? What happens when you trust God to take care of you and He does something that feels a lot like pain a death? Cheesy reality doesn't allow for these situations.

I also agree that we tend to enjoy looking religious rather than doing things God's way (like Chik-fil-a). But don't forget that the road that leads to life is narrow and few are those who find it. We can't get discouraged that Christians are few and far between, that's what God told us would happen.

I'm with you, I just hope I'm on the right road.